SchoolsPlus is a confidential, free service available in every school in Nova Scotia. Our goal is to build positive relationships between families, schools, and communities. We can help students with what they need to succeed – from home, to school, and back again!
Manage Complex Situations
Sometimes students and their families are already connected to many services, but still need help managing it all. Our Facilitators offer comprehensive case management support to ensure everyone involved is communicating clearly and families are receiving the best support possible.
Group Programming
Our staff can offer group programming for students as well as parents and caregivers. This can include lunch time and after school programs, as well as full-class presentations. Some examples of past programming include: parent coffee hours, social skills groups, healthy relationships programs, and more!
Mental Health Clinicians
SchoolsPlus Mental Health Clinicians provide counselling in schools, for students in grades 7 to 12. Students and parents self-refer by calling IWK Central Referral at 902-464-4110.
Connect With Us
Parents, guardians and students (12+) can self-refer to SchoolsPlus - 12 months a year! Just contact the SchoolsPlus Facilitator at your school. Call 902-464-2000, ext. 2331 or email