Capital Projects

Capital Projects

HRCE operates 137 schools throughout Halifax Regional Municipality. The quality of school facilities contributes to a safe and supportive learning environment for our students and has a direct affect on the ability to effectively offer the Public School Program.

In any given year, there are a number of major capital projects underway within the HRCE.

  • New school construction and major renovations are managed by the provincial Department of Public Works.
  • Capital repair projects are managed by the HRCE Operations Services department.

Here's some more information on projects currently happening in our system:

Capital Construction Projects

Click here to view the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s multi-year capital plan.

We currently have several capital construction projects happening throughout our system.


A replacement for St. Joseph's-Alexander McKay school is part of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's (EECD) 2019-2024 Nova Scotia School Capital Plan.

Site Selection

The replacement school will be built on the site of the current school.

School Steering Team

A School Steering Team (SST) has been created to provide input to government to support the design process. The SST include staff from SJAM, members of the School Advisory Council, along with staff from HRCE and the provincial government.

Final decisions on the design of the school rests with the provincial government, as represented by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and the Department of Infrastructure and Housing.

The SST held its first meeting on February 11, 2021.



School Name

The school principal will lead a process to recommend potential names for the new school to Regional Executive Director of Education.

The process will include opportunities for participation from the public, including students. To learn more, read the HRCE's Naming or Renaming Schools policy.

On June 29, 2022 HRCE approved keeping the school name St. Joseph's-Alexander McKay Elementary School.

Recommendation for the Naming of the New St. Joseph's-Alexander McKay Elementary School Report

School Plans

Project Status Reports



In April 2018, the provincial government announced a new Eastern Shore area high school to replace Eastern Shore District High (ESDH) as part of the multi-year Capital Plan. 

In 2019, the School Advisory Committee for Gaetz Brook Junior High (GBJH) expressed an interest in having their students included in the new building.

In the Fall of 2020, the HRCE undertook a consultation process to gather community feedback on the possible consolidation of GBJH and ESDH schools in the new school project.

In December 2020, the Regional Executive Director submitted a report with a recommendation to the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development.

In February 2021, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development announced GBJH and ESDH would be consolidated into a Grades 7-12 school when the new school is built.

In March 2021, the Minister of Education announced the province would seek feedback from the community on the location of the new school. 

The site for the new school was confirmed on June 3, 2021. 

A request for proposals for the collaborative design-build of the new school was issued on June 25, 2021.

School Steering Team

A School Steering Team (SST) has been created, involving principals, students, members of the School Advisory Councils, HRCE and provincial staff.

The SST is asked to provide input to government for consideration during the design process for the new school.

Final decisions on the design of the school rests with the provincial government, as represented by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.

The SST held its first meeting on December 1, 2021.



The next meeting of the SST will be held: TBD

School Name

On November 15, 2023, HRCE approved naming the new school Eastern Shore Consolidated School.

Recommendation for Naming New Eastern Shore School Consolidated GBJH and ESDH Report 

Community Updates



In April 2018, the provincial government announced a new school for the Fairview-Clayton Park area as part of its multi-year Capital Plan.

Site Selection

The site location for the new school has not been announced yet.

In 2019, the process for selecting the site for a new school was revised. Click here to learn more about how school sites are determined.

School Steering Team

A School Steering Team (SST) will be created to provide input to government to support the design process. The SST will include staff from HRCE and the school, along with members of the School Advisory Council.

Final decisions on the design of the school rests with the provincial government, as represented by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.

School Name

The school principal will lead a process to recommend potential names for the new school to Regional Executive Director of Education.

In April 2018, the provincial government announced, as part of the 2018-19 Capital Plan, a new school Pre-Primary to 9 would be built in Bedford to address enrolment growth in the area. In June 2019, the community was informed that the new school would be located on Broad Street. In November 2019, the provincial government announced a new high school would be co-located on the same site on Broad Street. 

The schools, named West Bedford School (PP-8) and West Bedford High School (9-12) opened in September 2023.

Final Plan for Broad Street Schools Community Report

Supporting Enrolment Growth

Enrolment in HRCE schools continues to grow. At some schools, this growth is causing capacity pressures. To support school communities, modular classroom additions were constructed at five HRCE schools and nine schools received portable classrooms during the summer of 2023.

New modular classroom additions and portable classrooms have been announced for the 2024-25 school year. Please see below for more information.

Bedford South School

Charles P. Allen High

Elizabeth Sutherland School

Ellenvale Junior High

Fairview Junior High

Halifax West High

Harry R. Hamilton Elementary

West Bedford School / West Bedford High

Beaver Bank Kinsac Elementary

Beaver Bank-Monarch Drive Elementary

Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Senior Elementary

Central Spryfield Elementary

Crichton Park Elementary

Dartmouth South Academy

Fairview Heights Elementary

Fairview Junior High

John MacNeil Elementary

Joseph Howe Elementary

Park West School

Prospect Road Elementary

Ridgecliff Middle School 

Capital Repair Projects

This school year, some of our schools will receive updates to their buildings or school sites. 

A.J. Smeltzer Junior High 

Alderney Elementary 

Bicentennial School

Caudle Park Elementary

Dutch Settlement Elementary

Ellenvale Junior High

Hammonds Plains Consolidated Elementary

Herring Cove Junior High

Rockingstone Heights School

Tantallon Senior Elementary

A.J. Smeltzer Junior High

Exterior Wall/Gym Floor


Bicentennial School

Caledonia Junior High

Crichton Park Elementary

Fairview Junior High

John W. MacLeod - Fleming Tower Elementary

Rockingham Elementary

Saint Mary's Elementary

St. Joseph's A. McKay Elementary

Sunnyside Elementary

Tantallon Senior Elementary

Previous Years

Capital construction and repair projects from previous years.