Tender Listing

Tender Listing

PLEASE NOTE: As of April 1, 2014, public tender openings are no longer held for HRCE tenders relating to goods, services or construction.

All Tenders close at 2:00pm Atlantic Time, and will be opened immediately. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

As of the November 26, 2020, Addenda pertaining to HRCE Competitions will be posted as separate files on the HRCE Website - Tenders Page.

Number Name Closing Date Package
4259 Notice of Upcoming Posting for Student Transportation October 31, 2024 Download & Print
4252 RFT 4252 - Controls & HVAC Repairs - Charles P. Allen October 28, 2024 Download & Print

DISCLAIMER - Users accessing this site do so at their own risk. The Halifax Regional Centre for Education (HRCE) will make every effort to ensure accuracy, reliability and completeness of information, however, any discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the Manager of Accounting & Purchasing. Changes to documents or specifications shall be stated by the HRCE in written form (addendum) and the HRCE will attempt to notify contractors via e-mail or fax.